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Meet the author!


Greetings, dear readers! Welcome to The Warped Wife Chronicles, where I, Hollie, the mastermind behind this delightful blog, am about to whisk you away on a journey more captivating than a squirrel chasing its own tail!
So, picture this: I'm head over heels in love, not with just any old chap, but with my husband of six glorious years. He's so fantastic that even unicorns are taking notes on how to be him! We're like a dynamic duo of laughter and adventure as we gallivant across the globe, one coffee shop at a time.
Speaking of coffee, let's just say I'm not your run-of-the-mill caffeine enthusiast. I'm a full-fledged coffee connoisseur. If you ever need a brew that'll make you see rainbows and hear angels sing, I'm your gal!
Now, music? Oh, don't get me started! I groove to all genres like a penguin waddling its way through a dance-off. Whether it's jazz, rock, or the sweet sound of a kazoo, my ears are open and ready for a musical rollercoaster.
When it comes to dining, I'm all about the dives and cozy little dinners. You see, I believe in the power of small gatherings to create big memories. It's like the more intimate the setting, the more epic the stories that unfold.
But wait, there's more! I'm an explorer of cultures, a wanderer of worlds. I've traipsed across the United States, from sea to shining sea, and I've globe-trotted from the enchanting canals of Amsterdam to the wilds of Africa. Trust me; I've encountered more communication and cultural barriers than a mime at a rock concert. But guess what remains constant, my dear friends? Two things: Jesus and laughter. Yup, they're like the North Star of my adventures, guiding me through the wildest of cultural jungles.
And now, a little about yours truly, the maestro behind these Chronicles of Chaos. I'm Hollie, a proud mother of five extraordinary offspring, aged 17 to 29, and a doting grandmother to seven adorable grandkids. My life is a beautifully messy tapestry woven with the threads of love and blessings.
Oh, did I mention I'm a Doctor of Biblical Studies? Yep, I've delved deep into the mysteries of the Good Book. And guess what, I'm also a certified pastoral counselor and chaplain. So, if you ever need spiritual wisdom while sipping that magical coffee I mentioned earlier, I've got you covered!
Now, healthcare? Well, I've spent over two decades in that arena, with a whopping 15 years dedicated to healthcare management and administration. I've seen more medical charts than I can count, and I've made it my mission to blend faith with healthcare. I'm all about that holistic well-being, creating spaces where spirituality meets physical health. It's like turning hospital corridors into prayer paths!
For a good dozen years, I've been involved in various ministerial roles, spreading the word of the Big Guy upstairs. My goal? To make sure everyone understands that Bible like the back of their hand and has a life-changing relationship with the man upstairs.
So, The Warped Wife Chronicles? It's my playground of experiences, a treasure trove of insights, and a place where the unshakable truths of the Bible meet everyday life. Together, we'll bridge the gap between biblical wisdom and the chaos of marriage, parenting, personal growth, and spiritual development. Buckle up, because we're about to dive deep into the seas of faith, love, and resilience.
Thank you, from the bottom of my coffee cup, for being part of this wild ride. Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual enlightenment, and personal transformation. Within these Chronicles, we'll uncover divine revelations and truths that are more unshakable than a sumo wrestler on a pogo stick.
So, my dear readers, let the adventures begin!

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