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Answering your Questions.

Now, this is a story all about how

My life got flipped turned upside down

And I'd like to take a minute

Just sit right there

I'll tell you how I became the author of this blog right here!

Hey, Y'all! Did you like that? Yes, I have a gift. The ability to relate anything to song lyrics. Well, and the gift of sarcasm. I have the best followers and subscribers. People I have never met from all over the world. These individuals ask some seriously great questions about me, my personal life, and my testimony. I love getting these questions. I sometimes just answer them directly on messenger or email. But, today I am going to blog about it and begin by reintroducing myself and tell you some things about my family. Here are those answers to the questions you've been asking.

How long have you been married and how many kids do you have?

I have been married to my best friend and husband for almost three years. Even though most people that have seen us together often guess in the upper of twenty plus years. We don't mind either. Our marriage isn't perfect, actually far from it. But, we spent three years getting to know each other as friends first (we met on Facebook), which was key. He loves me at my worst and calls me out on my bull malarky. He is my voice of reason and my source of healing and laughter. He never hesitates to pray over or with me. Last night he grabbed my hand standing in the living room before dinner and prayed over dinner and me. The television in the background, dogs barking and life swirling all around us, and in that instant, with the simplest prayer, he melted me. Call me old fashioned, churchy, or weird but there is nothing sexier than a man who will pray for you. Especially on a whim. We both love God and want his will for our blended families. Side note: Blended families are super hard. But, super worth it.

I have five children (four adults) who bring me so much, joy, entertainment, love, and laughter. These five humans have increased my prayer life significantly over the years. The older they get the more it increases. However, I wouldn't change a thing about any of it. My husband too has two adult children and two grandchildren but they don't like to be included in my blogs so that is all I can share, and that's okay to want your privacy.

I have the best rewards for not strangling these kids through their teen years, they are my five-point-five grandbabies. These crazy little dudes and dudettes are my favorite humans ever. Well, next to my husband (shh... don't tell him he competing). Abby is 7, Ryleigh is 5, Matthew is 4, Wyatt and Mikey are both 2 (yes, twins!) and little Eleanor is set to arrive in October (isn't her name the sweetest?). I also have to angel grandbabies in heaven. These people melt me in ten seconds flat. I can't wait to see how my family grows in the future. I am that old fashioned weird that LOVES a huge family.

What is your history?

So, before my current and forever husband and grandkids ..... I left high school at the end of my sophomore year and went out with a bang. Literally, a shotgun wedding. Like most young couples we didn't make it. We were married for thirteen years and shared four kids together. We divorced in my late twenties and I gave up on God! I went my promiscuous way and acted like Jezebel. In the midst of my sin, God still blessed me with my youngest. This baby detoured my life, in the best way possible and placed me back on the path I should have never left. When she was little I married a man (my second husband) who was mean, hateful, and destructive. He was mentally, physically, sexually, and spiritually abusive. He landed in jail and with God's help, I landed on my feet. I then spent almost five years single. Single, yet unavailable. I used this moment in time of singleness to heal, to grow, and to reconcile my relationship with God. I was able to spend time in Uganda on a mission trip. I lead a single mom's group at church. Without this time I could only imagine what my now-husband would have end up with in me.

I obtained my high school diploma at the age of twenty-nine. I enrolled in a program and received my diploma in Medical Assisting and Phlebotomy the next year. It gave me a way to provide for my children. I lived in Amarillo Texas, Burleson Texas, Oklahoma City, Paden Oklahoma, Shawnee Oklahoma, Thomas Oklahoma, Weatherford Oklahoma and, Graham Texas. Once I met my husband and we married I moved to Fort Smith, Arkansas. His employer moved us to Tulsa Oklahoma, Colorado Springs Colorado, and now back to Tulsa. When I spent years as a single Mom, God sent the best people to help me raise my kids. Women and Men who loved God loved me and helped me through some of the hardest physical, mental, and spiritual battles I faced. These friends helped keep me focused on the eternal result of my actions and not just temporary satisfaction. They were and are the BEST! In the midst of living in a van, a homeless shelter, and once a bus that was converted into a house, minus indoor plumbing. They kept me sane, wanted, and loved. I am forever grateful for these beautiful souls.

What is your degree & why do you blog?

I don't have any kind of degree in English, theology or ministry. I am currently working on a degree in Healthcare Administration. I also just accepted a position as Operations Assistant in Tulsa. I only write and share what God places on my heart. Some times is funny, and sometimes it's sad, and sometimes is deep. And, sometimes you may not relate but one person out there might.

What is your passion?

I love laughter, humor, and all things kind. Laughter is my favorite. It's the same in all languages. I have a passion for orphans, Foster Care, the geriatric community, and survivor's domestic and sexual violence. I love the underdog and the ones who feel unwanted, unloved, and hopeless. I've been there, I know the desperation of just wanting to feel loved and worth something, anything.

What do you love to do in your free time/things you love?

I love to cook, absolutely love it. I love a clean organized house. I love a freshly made bed. I love DIY projects. I love growing food. There is just something about eating something you grew from a seed. I love music, all kinds of genres. When I am cleaning or the occasional workout it's more of a Lecre, Bon Jovi, and Eddie James playlist. When I am cooking it's a Fred Astaire, Rosemary Clooney, Etta James, Johnny Nash (not cash) playlist. I also have a worship list that has my favorite songs such as How Great thou art, It is well (both Carrie Underwood) and Same Power (Jeremy Camp) playlist. I love road trips alone with my husband.

What makes you feel qualified to write and tell others how to live?

I don't "feel" qualified. However, God often calls the unqualified and uses them, uses their past, their fears, their failures, and their gifts to help others. I never tell others how to live. I do offer challenges. These challenges are to maybe help them think outside of their current political, marriage, religious, parental boxes. My challenges and suggestions offer others a chance to her scriptures, messages, and quotes that they may not have heard before and offer them a chance to challenge themselves. I by no means want anyone to change because I told them to. If they read something I wrote and it challenged them to read and study more into that subject and learn from it Great! I am just here to share, to offer a different point of view. I am not perfect. I have never claimed to be. I am just sharing mistakes, mishaps, and love. The rest is on each individual.

These are the most common questions I get. I am not sure if they have been answered to each person's expectations but these are them and I am me. It's the best I can do. Feel free to keep the questions coming.

Remember to keep your coffee hot and your prayers hotter,

Hollie McCalip


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