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Missing the Target

Once upon a time, we had a dog! A big slobbering one hundred and sixty-pound fur shedding teddy bear. We loved this dog. Well... if I am being honest he didn't know he was a dog. He was just apart of our family. And, he knew it and hew was a brat! He was so smart, very protective, loved to play games. Not normal dog games but peek a boo and hide and go seek. Along with all the amazing do traits we also got the fur, and lots of it. This dog seriously would shed enough to knit a nice XL sweater on a daily basis. It was insane.

I used to wear a lot of black. Yes even more so than I do now. Not sure this was an intelligent move when you have a dog with a monstrous shedding issue and a cat. Well, let's face it. I am not thin, And black, well it slims us, right?! So, I lived in black. I was the Admissions and Marketing Director for a Long Term Care and Skilled Nursing facility and took my work attire seriously. I carefully had washed, dried, and ironed my pants with creases. I had taken these perfect freshly washed and dried unwrinkled slacks and laid them carefully on my bed. Let's just say, I would go above and beyond to make sure my slacks do NOT have dog hair on them when I leave. Okay, I am OCD and I NEED to make sure they are free of dog hair, dog slobber, and professional. Of course and of anything else displeasing to the eyes or stomach. I would literally climb a mountain or swim an ocean (and I HATE water/swimming) to avoid this dog hair (but, I loved this creature).

Well, on this particular morning I went through a lot to ensure hair-free slacks. I was so focused on these hair-free slack. I had showered, blow-dried my hair. Applied my make-up. And, was standing in my room in my undergarments. Ready to take on the day ahead. But, well you know it was one of those days. Where you are ready to face and take on the world. Because You know this nice clean outfit that looks so good on you and makes you feel pretty stinkin' amazing. Yep, I was about to put it on!!! I excitedly glanced over at these nice clean wrinkle-free hair-free slacks. Okay, things like this make me happy. Yes, I am aware I may be in need of some kind of intentional medication. But, since that has not been diagnosed. I mean than anyone, only web MD. I'll continue to be excited about clean clothes and a clean house. As I was basking in the happiness of the hair free and drool-free slacks I attempted, yes attempted to apply lotion to my lizard legs. That special kind of lizard legs, which only comes with the wonderful season we call winter. As I gently pushed down on my favorite bottle of lotion, the lotion came shooting out of the nozzle, like a bullet from a 357 magnum. It overshot my hand and over my shoulder and would you know it...... Onto the freshly cleaned, hair-free drool-free slacks. Not just a normal small amount. But, enough to lotion a small child. UGH!!!!!! I was not the slightest bit pleased. I was so focused. I was so intently careful to make sure these slacks were perfect. And, in this split second they were trashed, dirty, and un-wearable. Still without dog hair, without drool but a nice huge amount of lotion.

Sometimes we hear people say "I knew at that moment God was speaking to me." Well, seriously at that moment I KNEW! There are so many times I have been so focused on that thing over there, whatever that thing maybe. I was so intently focused on those dog hair-free slacks laying over there. That I had missed the mark right in front of me. How many times have we missed the mark directly in front of us? How many times was that mark important. How many times if we had just focused on that mark we could have prevented the mess ahead. More times than I can count on my fingers and toes. Okay, if were being honest I might count the hair on my head, too!

I felt God telling me.... STOP obsessing on that over there. On the things up to head. If you don't want to be messy then focus on the task in front of you. Because sometimes there will be slacks that are not dog-hair-free. And, that is okay. Just focus on what I have placed directly in front of you today. Focus on who I have placed in front of you today. And, tomorrow and the next day and the next day focus on that task. That person. And, watch how messes can be prevented. And, because God loves us. That is what he does. In Isaiah 45:2 he tells us this

"This is what the LORD says: " I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.."

We need not worry. That is what he does. Instead, do as instructed in

Philippians 4:6 " I can DO ALL THINGS through Christ who gives me strength."

So, I challenge you what I have challenged myself. To stop. To focus. To intently give all I have to the task in front of me. The person in front of me. Because at that moment that is what is important. And, do you know how to know each one of those moments is the most important moment. Are you breathing are you reading this? Then, that is what makes it important. Everything we choose to do every minute throughout our life, we are exchanging a moment in time. Focus on the moment, the right here right now moment. And, find the joy in each one. I vow to not miss another moment and to see the joy at the moment. The gift of the moment, the task, the person at that moment even the peace of the moment. Enjoy the moment.

Hollie McCalip

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