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One Way Titanic Ticket

Welcome to my blog! I'm really excited about sharing it with you. For years I've had some sort of blog or social media page. However, a few months ago I ended up deleting them over the opinions of and comparison to others. When I did was post content I felt it catered to others. I posted things that appeased others while silencing my true self. People who I should have never let get under my skin, but hey, I'm human. I too found myself trapped in the comparison trap. See, what I did was put more thought and effort into the people who had a problem with my content and forgot about the supportive ones. Big mistake! I then compared my ability, talent, content, and possibly my calling to everyone else. Again, another big mistake. I clung to these negatives like they were a life preserver and I had just bought a one-way ticket on the Titanic, and I was friends with the iceberg.

After being overwhelmed with not being true to myself, as well as these opinions of these people who had the issue I caved. I deleted it all. I had a moment I didn't care who I had encouraged, who I had uplifted and blessed. I was eaten up with anger, disappointment, and failure from what? Comparison and unpopular options! Okay, what I felt was a failure. But, the only thing I failed at was being who I am called to be. Who the great I am says I am. That was my only failure. Because at that moment, I failed him (God), I failed my readers (You!)

When we tap into our calling, the one thing God said this is your purpose, this is your gift and this is where I designed you to excel the devil knows it. He will fight to keep you from your purpose, your gift, your calling. Because, if you succeed, then satan himself has failed. He will use every tactic to keep you from your using your God-given talent. That includes catering to and comparing yourself to others even when you know it's wrong.

Well, fast a forwarding a few months and here I am. I'm back, but this time it's me and new content that is true to who I am. This time I will be bold. I will be intentional. I will be the best version of what and who I am called to be. So people know as children what and who they are. Some learn in their twenties. Me, I am slower and obviously like to the hard road. So, here I am in my early forties and I finally got it. So, here it goes all in..... no holds barred. I will prepare you if you do not like encouragement, truthful honesty, and writings about Jesus and christ like relationships, my blog may not be for you. I'd love for everyone who reads this to subscribe, stay, and get to know me, my life, and Jesus. You can also connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Hollie McCalip

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