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Open Letter to My Husband

Dear Husband,

A fast 2,484 days ago you came into my life at a time I trusted no one. You never questioned my distrust in others but, you waited patiently pursuing me, loving me, and most importantly praying over me. You never wavered in your attempt to captivate me. More times than not you took the back seat to what I had going on in my life. You understood I was raising kids, leading bible studies, working full time, volunteering, and chasing dreams. You never once asked me to give up or even waiver in my commitment to any of these things. You allowed me to work on myself, my relationship with God and let me to heal. You waited several years until I was ready. In those years you never ignored a text, ignored a call, or cold-shouldered me. You showed me what being loved really meant.

As we accepted positions with different companies in completely opposite directions, hundreds of miles apart and began building our futures separately little did I know within a few short months our worlds would collide in a manner I think neither one of us were expecting. After years of pursuit, you finally asked me to be your girlfriend. The world now knows how easily I am captivated with fresh flower delivery and cheesy hot supreme pizza. Full of hesitation I said yes, not because of anything you had done but because understandably you knew my past. Again, in your quest to captivate my heart you were nothing but patient, kind, supportive, and loving. When I unapologetically said God was first in my life you didn't hesitate, you joined in my journey and grew with me. In the midst of sharing our prayers, hopes, dreams and aspirations love grew.

Counting back 1,482 days ago when you asked me road side, in the pouring rain to be your wife, cold and freezing without hesitation I said YES! Then a quick 1,461 days we stood in front of God and our friends, said our vows and became forever Best Friends. We walked down the isle towards each other to say I do an Vowed in fast food ambitions, Chinese car sales men, six toes and to death till us part. Still sorry I was forty five minuets late. Not a day as gone by where I have had a single regret, nope, not one single letter.

These last four years has been a messy blunder of blended families, numerous moves 2,936 miles in five different states of, moving twice during a pandemic, once cross country, promotions, demotions and more promotions, graduations, deaths, and births of grandchildren and you have remained calm, constant, supportive and resilient. You have displayed without hesitation grace, love, support, loyalty, and commitment. You not only married me but you married my little family. You stepped into a role of husband, father and pop-pop. Without hesitation you not only jumped into the role but excelled in it. You became so much to so many and didn't skip a beat. You've never waivered.

In the midst of any drama, tears, doubt, heartache, and changes, you have been my biggest supporter, cheerleader, prayer warrior and best friend. In the midst of joy, laughter, and adventure you have made my life fun, full of laughter and so many adventures. So, today as we embark on another year of marriage know, I love you. I adore you. I am beyond words thankful God gave me you.

Thank you for loving me through it all,

Love Me.

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