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Salvation isn't About What I do

I am going to start this blog today with a quote. A quote that just rubbed me the wrong way. A quote that has lead millions of women to believe the wrong thing.

“Salvation isn’t about what I do; it’s about what Jesus did. The Cross did more than pay for my sins; it set me free from the bondage of the “shoulds” and “if only's” and “what might have been.”  Joanna Weaver

I read this passage in a devotional I am currently doing and thought, wow, is this what millions are being taught? Your salvation has zero to do with you? My mind is blown! Yes, he gave the ultimate gift and sacrificed himself. In turn, yes is salvation is FREE. Free for all who are willing and accepting. But, just as faith without works is dead. So is your salvation. Because we are NOT once saved always saved people. Gasp, oh my goodness, yes, really! Once saved Your salvation becomes your responsibility. There is some baptist, Chruch of Christ, and non-denominational getting their selves in an uproar just now. See, Just like my kids, I love them more than life itself. I would do anything to ensure their health, safety, well being, and happiness. However, as they grow and mature in life these are things I am unable to control. They become of a certain age and free will has its place. I then can no longer protect them outside of my prayer and example. Therefore, the “work” of these things is now left in their hands. They have been raised right, they have the instruction book (Bible), now the work is their job. If they fall, sin, and rebel I cannot protect them. I am unable to force them into biblical submission. I can’t force them to love, respect, and hunger for the things of God, they must now choose it for themselves. We serve a God who is big, who is able to do anything but he is a gentleman and will not force himself on anyone. However, with an invitation, he is always available.

The moment the Lord was crucified I was set free! The veil was torn and I am no longer required to find the purest lamb and perform a sacrifice. Because he was the ultimate sacrifice. I am no longer required to be in a temple to make my request be known to God. I am free to address him directly in the shower, my car, while cooking, driving, standing in line, and anywhere else the spirit may move me.

However, his sacrifice wasn’t in vain, it wasn’t so I can sin Monday through Saturday, worship, lift my hands and pray on Sunday, quote a sinners prayer, and return to my life just as I was the week before. This is WRONG!!! Oh, so wrong! If this is what your church is teaching you, find a new church.

Let me take a second to say this...... if your church service doesn’t leave you refreshed, challenged, and passionate to win souls to share heaven with. If it doesn't leave you feeling convicted, with a deep desire to pray, worship, and be in God's presence FIND A NEW CHURCH! If your pastor isn’t passionately crying out for you, your kids, and your neighborhood. If he isn’t preaching the non-sugar-coated truth, and not afraid to offend someone who needs offending FIND A NEW CHURCH!

Because your pastor is an impostor and is not leading you to heaven.

See there are so many people who say that part of the Bible doesn’t apply to me, it was a different day and time we no longer live in a society like the ones in the Bible. Well, I disagree! Yes, due to science and technology we’ve come a long way. We have indoor plumbing, electricity, smartphones, and cars. However, what Jesus called a SIN then is STILL sin today. He (His word) is the same today, yesterday, and forever, regardless of the generation Hebrews 13:8-9, Matthew 4:25, John 1:1. Read in Genesis Sodom and Gomorrah and why did Noah build the Ark they, weren’t on a fishing expedition. There were murder, lies, deceit, theft, adultery, homosexuality, idol worship, witchcraft, sexual perversions, slavery, etc... these are still things that exist STILL today. The bottom line when it comes to salvation and sin, then it is still the same now.

So, in closing let me say this, Sin is sin. Salvation is needed, a mass sinner's prayer is not salvation. Your salvation is dependant on YOU and YOU CAN lose that salvation. So, my challenge for you today is to read the text below. If you are not sure where you are in your salvation and eternal destination, reevaluate. If you have questions, DM me I can point you in the right direction. Second, if you do not attend a church that preaches the unadulterated plain straight-shooting heaven and hell truth, find one that does. Your life depends on it!!

Hebrews 6:4-6

John 15:4-6

1 Timothy 4:1

Romans 11:20-23

2 Peter 2:20-22

Keep your coffee hot and your payers hotter,

Hollie McCalip

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Oct 22, 2020

Very insightful - thank you!

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