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Time: The Ultimate Treasure Hunt - 7 Reasons Why It Beats Stuff Any Day!

In a world that seems to have gone bonkers for bargains and nuts for new gadgets, there's a quiet revolution brewing – one that swaps shopping carts for quality time and swaps excess stuff for priceless memories. It's like discovering a secret stash of treasure chests hidden right in our schedules! So, let's dive into the treasure map of life and see why choosing time over stuff is the ultimate loot! In the last six years, my husband's job has relocated on the regular. Since 2017 I have resided in Texas, Arkansas (two houses), Oklahoma, Colorado (two houses), Oklahoma, Pennsylvania (2 houses), and Oklahoma (two places) Now we are headed to the Hoosier state.

We have come to love the nomad lifestyle. We get to visit the most amazing parts of the United States and live close to huge airports that allow for easy flights, and we have to mention the fantastic cruise ports. We've spent time in LA, NYC, New Orleans, Virginia Beach, Este Park, Washington D.C., and Niagara Falls just to name a few. We've visited historic landmarks and shows, walked on the most beautiful beaches, and taken amazing tours around famous cities. We've tried cuisines and cultures we would have never attempted if it wasn't for travel.

I will not look back on any of the trips even the ones with mishaps and think I wished I hadn't taken that trip. I wish I would have saved the time and money. This last year we decided to quit buying gifts for our kids and grandkids. We prefer presence over presents. I prefer painting, cooking, planting flowers, going to dinner, or even swimming over buying gifts that will fade, tarnish, be thrown away, or collect dust. I remember a handful of material possessions I was gifted as a kid. But I have more memories than I can count with my grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. Those material possessions are long gone but I still hold those memories close.

And with this move, we opted to sell or give away the prized possessions we have been holding onto. We have five 27-gallon containers and three suitcases we will do all our moving with from here on out. That's it! It fits in our cars. No, more moving trucks. I will admit one container does house Christmas ornaments. These ornaments are those nifty clear round balls you can buy at Hobby Lobby or Walmart. I think you can buy them at the $1.25 tree now. On each trip we take or weekly date nights we keep little mementos. We place them in ornaments and decorate a tree every Christmas season. We always reminisce over the show ticket stubs, tickets to museums, photos, and other small trinkets. They take up little room and hold a tremendous number of memories. However, we are going into this next adventure freer and lighter, and we are excited about it! We are grateful for the memories and experiences thus far and anticipate many more.

1. Experiences: The Stuff Legends are Made Of:

Remember that time you wore your snazzy sneakers to hike up a mountain instead of showcasing them on your shoe rack? Yeah, that's the spirit! Experiences like hiking with friends, laughing till your belly hurts, or sitting down to savor a family dinner – those are the tales you'll be telling your grandkids. After all, who remembers the nth pair of tennis shoes you bought, right?

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." - Matthew 6:19-20

2. Time: The Ultimate Countdown:

Tick-tock, tick-tock – that's the sound of life's most elusive commodity slipping through our fingers like sand at the beach. You can't buy more time, no matter how much you're willing to splurge. So, instead of chasing stuff, let's chase the sunsets, chase the dreams, and chase the joy. Because once time's gone, it's gone like yesterday's sushi.

“Behold, you have made my days as [short as] hand widths, and my lifetime is as nothing in Your sight. Surely every man at his best is a mere breath [a wisp of smoke, a vapor that vanishes]! Selah. Psalm 39.5

3. Less Stuff, Less Stress – More prayer:

Have you ever tried praying surrounded by heaps of shoes, clothes, and gadgets? Yeah, neither have we. Less stuff means fewer things to organize, fewer things to dust, and fewer things to trip over when you're navigating through life. And let's face it, who needs more stress when life's already throwing lemons our way?

"Better a dry crust with peace than a house full of feasting, with strife." - Proverbs 17:1

4. Social Connections That Don't Need Wi-Fi:

Swipe left on materialism and swipe right on face-to-face conversations. The joy of sharing moments, connecting with loved ones, and building relationships isn't something Amazon can deliver. It's those unexpected get-togethers, the hearty laughs, and the heartfelt talks that make life worth living.

5. Learning: The Mind's Playground:

Sure, that shiny new gadget might look fabulous on your shelf, but can it teach you a new skill or expand your horizons? Choosing time over stuff means investing in yourself – picking up hobbies, exploring passions, and becoming the master of your own personal treasure trove of knowledge.

"Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge." - Proverbs 23:12

6. Well-Being: Spoil Yourself with Self-Care:

Material possessions might make you smile, but self-care and well-being make you glow. Think about it – a spa day or a walk in the park will do wonders for your mood and energy levels. In the long run, your well-being is the most precious possession you'll ever own.

7. Planet Earth High Fives You:

By choosing time over stuff, you're not just doing yourself a favor; you're doing the planet a solid. Fewer items bought means less waste produced. And less waste means more high-fives from Mother Nature. Now, that's a cause we can all get behind!

"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." - Psalm 24:1

So, there you have it – the ultimate treasure hunt, where the prize isn't stuff that gathers dust, but moments that make memories. Time is our most valuable asset, and it's up to us to spend it wisely. Let's trade the clutter for connection, the chaos for calm, and the hoarding for happiness. It's time to seize the day, one priceless moment at a time!

Happy and safe travels,

Hollie McCalip

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