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Unsolicited Conformation

Updated: Feb 1, 2021

Every year God gives me a word. This word is my theme for the year. I study this word. I use scriptures, bible study, and songs that correlate to this word. Every single year not just the word but the meaning becomes apart of me or I become apart of it. Either way, I am given a word. Every single year like clockwork I pray and ask God if he is sure this is my word, the word that I am to study. As if he makes mistakes. But, every single year he confirms it one way or another.

Well, this year I hadn't even asked for confirmation yet. I was just been given my word in the last two weeks. I hadn't even had the chance to question the big guy yet. Well, it's as if he knows me or something because he gave me my confirmation yesterday. Let me tell you, God's timing is impeccable and perfect. This year my early, unsolicited yet, confirmation came through a giveaway. Yep, a freebie. See, every Christmas time I enter all these giveaways yet I never win. But, I always enter like one day I will get lucky. This year it happened, I WON!!! And, not only that I won the grand prize in Karen Ehman's 12 Days of Christmas giveaway.

Can you believe it? Me neither! That's not even the grandest thing about this whole thing. God and his perfect impeccable timing confirmed my 2021 word. See, the grand prize consists of a leader kit, a learning bible study Guide for her Bible study, What Matters Most. Along with a Journaling Bible, a pink cable knit throw, a pour-over coffee dripper, half a pound, Fortress Coffee, and an insulated pink shimmer mug. If you a man you're thinking it's a whole bag of girlie goodies who cares? If you're a woman you're thinking how awesome, SCORE! But, that's not even the best thing. I love the Author of the Bible study, Karen Ehman. She has several excellent bible studies to choose from. However, this particular one I have not seen. Therefore of course had to google it. CONFORMATION right there! I was blown away. I didn't even have to ask and it was there. This bible study is over the book of Phillippians the small little 4 chapter book written by the Apostle Paul. We all know Paul and his letter to the church in Philippi. Joy in all circumstances. BAM! Joy, joy, joy!

So, after being blown away by this unsolicited confirmation I started thinking. How many times has God shown himself in ways I wasn't expecting him. I mean I didn't ask for this confirmation but he and I both knew it was coming. But, without it, he answered, and not a best three times out of four kinds of answer we get when were don't like the answer. Sorta a rock, paper scissors kind of show me God game we all have played with God. If you say you haven't then kudos to you. You are better than me. Because I sometimes am a slow learner and need that in your face kind of answer. This time he not only answered he showered me with a basket full of some of my favorite things coffee, blanket, mug, Bible, and a new study, I hadn't even asked. He just lavished me a whole basket of goodies.

I mean let's face it God has a history of showing himself in many unexpected ways. I am sure Moses wasn't expecting a talking burning bush (Exodus 3). I am sure Jonah wasn't expecting to be swallowed by a big fish for his Ninevah conformation (Jonah 1) I guess he was running away from the calling not asking for confirmation but it is a way to get it. He spoke to Gideon through a fleece (Judg. 6:37–40). He spoke to Saul on the Damascus road through a bright light (Acts 9:1–5). He even spoke to Balaam through a donkey (Num. 22:1–35). I mean some of these ways are pretty stinking cool and somewhat scary. I think I am glad he just chose a Christmas Giveaway for me. Surprising me yet again with his love for me in the small things.

I always end with a challenge for my readers and today will be no different. I challenge you today to reflect on the ways God has chosen to speak to you or confirm something for you. Did you know at the time it was him speaking? How do you feel knowing the God of our universe knows you and loves you enough to speak directly to you? Write your answers down and keep them so the next time you feel like he's quiet and remember his timing is impeccable and perfect.

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Darla Staten
Darla Staten
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