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When God Let's bad things Happen to Her

Terrible things happen, devastating things in life happen and we can't control them. I hear daily if God is real, God is so loving, just, and wonderful then why do bad things happen, especially to good people? And, how do you worship a God who would allow such vile things to happen? Most people I know that left church of pain, heartache, and misunderstandings including myself one time.

Well, if I am honest this would be my best answer, The Bible talks about “the mystery of iniquity” (2 Thessalonians 2:7, KJV)—and that’s what evil is: a mystery. Evil has been around since the creation of man and woman. God gives us all free will. Adam and Eve chose free will and ate of the tree of knowledge, of good and evil. Does the bible specify how evil entered the Garden of Eden just that is was there? They were tempted, they failed and just as I tell my children, you are free to make any choice you want, however, you are not free of the consequences of those choices. It was no different for Adam and Eve. To this day people who try and convince me God isn't a good God because of those the consequences of Adam & Eve's choice when we as believers know it was the consequence of a personal choice. Bottomline!

I also get the questions Why does God let kids have cancer, mom's die, dad's die, children die, abortions, divorce, or why are people murdered and women/kids sold into sex trafficking. Well, again God is a God who allows free will. Often times things happen because people of people's choices. Then they need someone other than themselves to blame. Then there are times yes, unfortunately, things happen that have zero to do with choice and it's just life, genetics, or the hands of another. I was asked then why can't God just be fair?

No, nowhere is it written exactly that if you do this or that, that everything in your life's going to be good, great, or even fair! Nowhere, in any faith, is there a guarantee. Was it fair when Isaac went blind and then his child betrayed him? And, where was the fair when Sara had to wait 99 years before she had a child, and God said, "Sacrifice him"? Moses couldn't even get past the bouncer to the Promised Land. And, Jesus got a pretty raw deal at the cross. I mean look how the disciples died stoned, beheaded, and crucified. Nobody, and I mean nobody in the Bible lived a life free of suffering or injustice, or it wouldn't have been a best seller. And, if they lived lives like that, why should ours be different? Now, if people only believed in God when things were good, I guarantee you, after the Holocaust, not a single Jew would be a believer. Noah wouldn't have built the Ark. Job would have followed his wife's advice. He wouldn't have ended up with a new wife and ten more kids and several-fold the wealth. If Mary knew how Jesus was going to suffer and die would she had carried him in her womb, nursed, loved, and raised him? Faith wouldn't be real faith if you only believe when things are good. Well, so, the world is just cruel and random, and there's nothing anyone can do about it? Terrible things happen. Terrible, wonderful, unexplainable devastating things happen. Who the heck are we to know why? Who are we to know why some people live and some people die? Why some people are free from a life of heartache.

This is what I can tell you, Because of free will sometimes the devil allows people to live a life free of trouble because he doesn't want them turning to God. Yes, read the book of Job, God does allow Satan to work in our lives too. This is why faith and discernment are so important. See, with people sometimes their sin is like a jail cell on death row, except it is all nice, comfortable, and there is enough money to buy what you want and there doesn't seem to be any reason to leave. The door's wide open. Until one day, time runs out, and the cell door slams shut, and suddenly it's too late you are being hauled off into the death chamber.

Besides, think about this, If there was no suffering, no evil, no heartache, how would God show his goodness through miracles, wonders, and how big he really is?

My challenge to you today is... No matter the circumstance, no matter the heartache, no matter what you are going through GOD IS A GOOD GOD! He promises the end for those who believe in him, who are saved and filled with the spirit will indeed have eternal happiness, free of pain, free of heartache, and free of the pain the world offers. You just have to hold out, keep the faith, and keep living life with your eye on the prize (heaven). So, if you are mad at God, hate him, you've even walked away from him consider this your sign to come home. It's not too late. How? press into him, pray, seeking the hem of his garment, because in Psalm 16:11 it says, in His presence is fullness of joy. He is ready to show himself in a BIG way.

Hollie McCalip


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Darla Staten
Darla Staten
Oct 30, 2020


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