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God's Divine Order

Any feminist out there that may happen to read my blog will certainly lose their ever-loving mind over today's blog. I know once upon a time I was one of them. Surprise! Not, really! If you know me at all you know I have always been very independent. As a toddler, my mom said I would play by and entertain myself on the regular. After my divorce in 2005/2006, I became a single mom of five! Yes, FIVE! They were newborn to thirteen years old. I was a mom who had to be a dad too. My ex relinquished his rights to our kids. For the record it was voluntary and he was not asked nor made to do so. Therefore, I raised these babies on my own. I was a good cop, bad cop, chauffeur, tutor, chef, laundress, seamstress, and bedtime story entertainer. Yes, entertainer! I do voices for each character. It's a gift and I am legit like that (insert sarcastic tone here)! In doing all this for years I became "The ideal Feminist Woman!"

Yes, you read that right. I was independent, self-sufficient, and I relied on no one. I could do it all and I did it all. I even taught my teen sons to dance and change a tire. I took pride in all this. I mean I should right?! I was Superwoman!

However, God never intended for women to be Superwoman! His perfect design was never for a woman to get married, have children, get divorced, and become a woman who could and would do it all. His perfect design was the creation of Adam, then out of Adam created Eve (Genesis 2:22-24) Eve was created for a specific purpose to be a helpmeet to Adam, her husband (Genesis 2:18), and to bear children (Genesis 1:28). Those were her God-intended purpose. It's there in black and white.

The first thing Eve did outside of her instructed purpose was to let the Serpent convince her she should eat the fruit of the forbidden tree (Genesis 3). This one-act doomed us all. Now we can never decide where to eat, you can laugh here. Everyone always says "when I get to Heaven I can't wait to talk to Moses, Noah, David, Saul, Solomon, or some other huge biblical character. Me, I want to talk to Eve. I want to know why it was just a piece of fruit (insert facepalm emoji here)! Yes, I believe if Adam would have been there at that moment due to the divine order God gave man and woman he would have said no, and Eve would have walked away. But, she didn't and now were here.

God had a purpose, a plan, a reason for man and woman. We as humans went outside that design for our own satisfaction beginning with Eve. So, let's fast forward several hundred years. We didn't learn from the biggest wifeary mistake in the history of mankind. We created feminism. We were called out of the home during WWII entrenched in the concept of women entering the workforce as their patriotic duty and decided we like it and never went back. We raised our daughters, granddaughters, nieces, and friends to continue the act of burning their bras and aprons. We scream it's our bodies our choice. We supported Rov Vs. Wade For the record, I don't support and never have supported abortion. I am just trying to make a point. We loved the freedom we had and we left our children and husbands to be looked after by other family members or even strangers. Other women became mothers to our children and a place for our husbands to turn to. Adultery skyrocketed so did divorce rates. Our children became disobedient, hard to handle and juvenile detention centers became a place for these kids to reside while paying their debt to society. Now, we have federal prison, state prisons, county prisons, juvenile detention centers, and CPS overran with children needing placement. We failed our husbands, we failed our children and it's time to fix it. It's time to place God's divine purpose and plan back into our families.

By now some women reading this have scoffed and left (I know I used to be one) and the ones that are still here are wanting the same thing I do. To bring divine order and God back into our families. I used to think because four of my five are grown I had failed and it was too late. Well, if you are in that boat or headed towards the same thing. IT IS NOT TOO LATE!! We can do this.

Remember Godly mothers have a great influence on their children.

It is not too much to argue that world history is shaped in the home through godly mothers. All though I don't agree with everything Charles Spurgeon says, this quote is spot on.

“Never could it be possible for any man to estimate what he owes to a godly mother. Certainly, I have not the powers of speech with which to set forth my valuation of the choice blessing which the Lord bestowed on me in making me the son of one who prayed for me and prayed with me. How can I ever forget her tearful eye when she warned me to escape from the wrath to come?... How can I ever forget when she bowed her knee, and with her arms about my neck, prayed, ‘Oh, that my son might live before Thee!’”

President Theodore Roosevelt said,

“When all is said, it is the mother, and the mother only, who is a better citizen than the soldier who fights for his country. The successful mother, the mother who does her part in rearing and training aright the boys and girls who are to be the men and women of the next generation, is of greater use to the community and occupies if she only would realize it, a more honorable as well as more important position than any man in it. The mother is the one supreme asset of national life. She is more important, by far, than the successful statesman, or businessman, or artist, or scientist” That is not to disparage the crucial role godly fathers must play. But it is to encourage you in the crucial role godly mothers play.

(in Encyclopedia of 7,700 Illustrations, by Paul Tan [Assurance Publishers], p. 845).

Maybe you feel like a failure as a mother. Where do you start? God always honors repentance. Turn back to Him. Confess your failures. Begin to obey Him where you’re at. As a Christian couple, you may have to consider downsizing, getting rid of unnecessary services, and have the wife quit work to be home with the children. Even if your children are grown, God will honor your repentance. Go to them and ask their forgiveness for failing to be an example of godliness or for failing to train them in God’s ways. God can use you as He used Lois, a grandmother, in Timothy’s life. Walk with God in sincere faith. Use His Word to lead your children and grandchildren to the same sincere faith and to train them in God’s ways. You will be mighty in influencing our nation and even world history for Jesus’ sake.

How? It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. The eternal rewards are out of this world.

First, we have to lay aside our carnal (flesh) thoughts, ideas, and aspirations, and repentance (Romans 8:5-39).

Third, read Titus 2 and Proverbs 31. These are the basics of what God's design for a woman, wife, mother is.

Fourth, know it's never too late. You can cover those grown kids in prayer. Daily prayer. You can be an example to them (your daughters) from here on out. You can be an example for their wives, their husbands, and to your grandchildren. Remember, A MOTHER MUST GROW IN HER OWN LOVE FOR GOD’S WORD.

You cannot impart what you do not possess. If your kids seldom see you seeking God through His Word, they won’t catch it for themselves. If they don’t see you changing through your growing understanding of and obedience to the Word, they won’t be motivated to be in the Word for themselves. If the TV is on or you are preoccupied with your phone every night, but the Bible is seldom read as a family, guess what the kids will assume is the most important? Your kids should be able to see evidence of your love for God’s Word.

You will see above a list from as we don't share our beliefs across the board this I do agree with and well, I had to check it biblically. There are 10 I want to say easy steps to help be the helpmeet you were created to be to your husband, but let's face it. When laying aside our carnal wants, wishes, and "goals" it's hard. However, the more you seek God's design and will for yourself and your family it will get easier. Just remember when those who don't understand your choices and lifestyle will criticize what they don't understand. This is where you can apply 1 Peter 3:15.

I always end my blog with a challenge. So, today if you are facing a crossroads in your life similar to this one I challenge you to just begin with step one. Pray, ask God to show you, show your husband, and to provide a way for you to get back into God's divine order for the family.

Remember, keep your coffee hot and your prayers hotter,

Hollie McCalip


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